Feel like you just had a full facial everyday with this exclusive, express skincare set on our Clean and Clear plan! Get one trial size of our multitasking Cleansing Renewal Face Scrub™, a 3-in-1 deep cleanser, toner and exfoliant for clear, smooth, radiant skin. It also includes one trial size of our complexion fixing Hydrate and Tone Face Masque™. All products are 100% natural, effective and eco-friendly, delivered to you once a month! Try it now with no committments and cancel anytime!
- Shrink pores.
- Prevent and heal breakouts.
- Resurface and encourage collagen renewal to prevent wrinkles.
- Deep cleanse and maintain natural moisture balance with a potent cleansing, antibacterial herb used medicinally in Europe and by Native Americans as a soap alternative.
- Fade spots and hyperpigmentation for an even skin tone
- Prevent and reduce wrinkles with pearl powder, used by ancient Chinese royalty as a potent anti-aging treatment.
- Repair damage from free radicals and encourage cell-regeneration with rice bran, a beauty secret of the Japanese Geisha, which contains over 100 antioxidants.
- Maintain elasticity with hydrating milk and tones with therapeutic spearmint oil used in baths in ancient Greece.
- Clay-free, preservative-free, filler-free, cruelty-free, chemical-free, non-toxic.
Facial Perfection Express™
AnthroSpa Logic ™ is a luxury 100% natural clean beauty brand based on the science of anthropology.™ Our innovative, pure skin care and cosmetic products combine beauty secrets used by ancient civilizations and cultures from six continents around the world.Our eco-friendly skincare line is trusted, recommended and used by professional estheticians in spa treatments to give you superior results.